

Da Kim Kardashian e Leonardo Di Caprio a Katy Perry: le star scioperano su Instagram contro Mark Zuckerberg

Fabiano Minacci 16/09/2020


Da Kim Kardashian e Leonardo Di Caprio alla coppia Katy Perry ed Orlando Bloom, fino ad arrivare a Jennifer Lawrence ed Aston Kutcher: diverse star nella giornata di oggi hanno deciso di ‘congelare’ i propri profili Instagram e Facebook per protestare contro Mark Zuckerberg.

Uno sciopero della durata di 24 ore per dire basta (al grido di “STOP HATE”) alla violenza ed alla disinformazione che i social di Zuckerberg permetterebbero. La scintilla che ha scatenato questa protesta è stato il rifiuto di Facebook di chiudere una pagina di un gruppo di militanti che incitavano alla violenza e che chiedevano agli americani di “scendere in strada” per “fermare le rivolte” nate contro l’aggressione da parte della polizia dell’afroamericano Jacob Black”.

Mark Zuckerberg risponderà?



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I love that I can connect directly with you through Instagram and Facebook, but I can’t sit by and stay silent while these platforms continue to allow the spreading of hate, propaganda and misinformation – created by groups to sow division and split America apart – only to take steps after people are killed. Misinformation shared on social media has a serious impact on our elections and undermines our democracy. Please join me tomorrow when I will be “freezing” my Instagram and FB account to tell Facebook to #StopHateForProfit. Link in bio for more info on how to preserve truth.

Un post condiviso da Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) in data:


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I’m standing with the country’s leading civil rights organizations – including @ColorofChange, @ADL_National, and the @NAACP – who today have called on all users of Instagram and Facebook to protest the amplification of hate, racism, and the undermining of democracy on those platforms. I do use Instagram and Facebook, but I want it to be a force for good – not hate, violence, and disinformation. This should be an opportunity for Facebook to work with these organizations and the community at large to make it a better, safer platform for all. Please join me in not posting for 24 hours this Wednesday Sep 16. #StopHateforProfit #Instafreeze

Un post condiviso da Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) in data:


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“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell I love sharing my music and my life with you on Instagram and Facebook, but TBH I can’t sit idly by while these platforms turn a blind eye to groups and posts spreading hateful disinformation and intentional confusion. I’m standing with @naacp, @colorofchange, and @adl_national and will be freezing my Instagram and Facebook accounts on Wednesday, September 16th to tell Facebook to #StopHateForProfit. Will you join me?! Link in bio for more info on how to preserve the truth ♥️

Un post condiviso da KATY PERRY (@katyperry) in data:

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