Alex Palmieri pubblica il video di Beatrice (e ci fa una sorpresa su Instagram)

Categorie: Musica

Quando ho ascoltato Wrong mi sono accorto subito del potenziale di Beatrice ed evidentemente non sono stato l’unico, visto che il pezzo è finito in rotazione sulla BBC Radio in UK, un bel traguardo per un artista come Alex Palmieri che non ha alle spalle una grossa casa discografica. Sulla scia di questo successo il cantante ha lavorato ad un videoclip diretto da Daniele Appiani, che è stato pubblicato pochi giorni fa ed ha già raggiunto quasi 100.000 views su YouTube. Vista la tematica sociale ovviamente in questo caso Palmieri ha lasciato da parte mutande, addominali in vista scene sensuali con altri manzi (ma da questo punto di vista regala gioie su Instagram).
Nonostante abbia raccontato la storia di “Beatrice” e quindi quella di molte donne, Alex in questo video musicale è comunque riuscito ad infilare le sue coreografie in stile NSYNC o Britney anni 00.

PS: Caro Alex, il prossimo videoclip così…

Alex Palmieri, Beatrice: il testo.

She works everyday at the bar but she dreams of america

(A boy she likes is living right there)

She moves like a superstar upon a stage out of her area

(She love to get lost around the world)

Oh – oh – oh, sometimes i wonder what’s inside her head, don’t know

Oh – oh – oh – oh, c’mon who cares now let’s laught it off

It’s time to party let’s put something together,

A new dress a good make up makes the best version of herself

And drink by drink, it makes the night go faster

But dawn is about to break

What will remain of it?

Beatrice, sometimes she loves to act

Like a rebel – you have to know that

Beatrice is no longer waiting for someone

If you put your hands to her chest you feel the rest of her heart

‘Cause someone came before you and he just tore it apart

Beatrice, she is so strong

Or maybe not

Now she has a walk with her dog, seems like it is the only true love

(She loves animals more than herself)

She has recently renovated home but she is not expecting anyone there

(To live together)

Oh – oh – oh, sometimes i wonder if she smile to forget something else

Oh – oh – oh – oh, people come people go she knows

Beatrice is tired to waste her time,

Giving herself another try putting a man in her life

She chose carefully with whom to expose herself,

In the comfort zone she won’t trip, she won’t hurt again

Beatrice, sometimes she loves to act

Like a rebel – you have to know that

Beatrice is no longer waiting for someone

If you put your hands to her chest you feel the rest of her heart

‘Cause someone came before you and he just tore it apart

Beatrice, she is so strong

Or maybe not

Beatrice fa le valige

Ci chiude dentro sogni e insicurezze per riaprirle in un altra citta’

Beatrice ora mi dice

Che il cuore è un po’ ammaccato e ha ridotto l’adattabilita’

Beatrice e’ stanca di credere che qualcuno prima o poi arrivera’

Lei si basta da sola (non e’ una scusa)

Chiude tutto e tutti fuori e piu’ nessuno entrera’

Beatrice, sometimes she loves to act

Like a rebel – you have to know that

Beatrice is no longer waiting for someone

If you put your hands to her chest you feel the rest of her heart

‘Cause someone came before you and he just tore it apart

Beatrice, she is so strong

Or maybe not