Sarah Jessica Parker, Courtney Love e altre decine di star si stringono intorno alla Spears: “Scusaci Britney”
Fabiano Minacci 09/02/2021
Sabato scorso su Hulu è stato pubblicato il documentario del The New York Times, “Framing Britney Spears“. Decine di star hanno commentato le testimonianze raccolte dal noto giornale americano sulla principessa del pop. Da Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler, Sam Smith, Haley Williams, Andy Cohen e Vanessa Carlton, a Khloe Kardashian, sono tantissime le personalità dello spettacolo che hanno dimostrato vicinanza a Britney.
A poche ore dal debutto del documentario su Twitter sono andati in tendenza “We are sorry Britney”, “Free Britney” e “Framing Britney Spears”. Tre i migliaia di tweet anche quelli di molti personaggi, tra loro c’è chi si è scusato con la Spears per non aver fatto qualcosa, altri hanno consigliato il documentario, qualcuno si è limitato a rilanciate l’hashtag FreeBritney, ma c’è anche stato chi ha puntato il dito proprio contro papà Spears, Jamie, quello che tiene in mano la chiave della gabbia della popstar.
Tutta questa nuova attenzione sulla conservatorhsip potrebbe smuovere le acque. Intanto ieri la madre di Britney, Lynne, ha chiesto con urgenza al giudice di essere rappresentata anche da un nuovo avvocato nell’udienza di giovedì sulla tutela di sua figlia. Non è finita qui, perché la famosa legale Lisa MacCarley ha inviato una lettera a oltre 100 avvocati di Los Angeles esortandoli a richiedere alla giudice Penny di interrompere la conservatorship di Britney.
Non sappiamo se davvero la tutela legale di Britney avrà fine a breve, ma di sicuro Jamie e i suoi avvocati stanno odiando i riflettori che hanno addosso in questi ultimi giorni!
Da Sarah Jessica Parker a Khloe Kardashian, i commenti dei personaggi pubblici.
Thank you @nytimes you did what you could. ??#wearesorrybritney pic.twitter.com/F8TZnXyyAa— Courtney Love Cobain (@Courtney) February 8, 2021
— Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) February 7, 2021
praying for my queen britney spears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— ziwe (@ziwe) February 7, 2021
Khloe Kardashian speaks out for Britney!
“I am praying for queen Britney! So so so sad.” #FreeBritney pic.twitter.com/x5bA3pBQ3g
— Britney Fan ? (@BritneyHiatus) February 7, 2021
— Andy Cohen (@Andy) February 7, 2021
Well, I watched the Britney doc and unfortunately my takeaway is that our entire society is a humiliating, violently misogynist failure and I’m ashamed of a media culture that, for decades, villainized her for money and sport, conditioning us to think it was funny. #FreeBritney
— Matt Rogers (@MattRogersTho) February 7, 2021
LISTEN. Proof it was always the threat that she’d lose her kids. That’s why and how she got her. #FREEBRITNEY we see you queen! February 11th is the next hearing. https://t.co/jVkoQ5VY74
— ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ℂ ? ? ? ? ? ? (@VanessaCarlton) February 8, 2021
I am appalled by the Framing Britney Spears doc on her conservatorship. This an unprecedented usage of this procedure as she is not only of sound mind but works her ass off. Both can be proven. The most revealing bit of the doc was the quote from her brother. Cont’d #FreeBritney
— ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ℂ ? ? ? ? ? ? (@VanessaCarlton) February 8, 2021
This Britney Spears doc got me over here feeling AWFUL for a blonde white woman during Black History Month so you know they treated her horribly. Society is sick. Never thought I could dislike Justin Timberlake’s ol’ Ramen noodle headass more. Shame on everybody. #FreeBritney
— Janelle James , moody clown. (@janellejcomedy) February 8, 2021
Heartbreaking documentary about Britney and the role the media played in humiliating and stripping her of her dignity while allowing greed to be at the forefront of those closest to her. #FramingBritneySpears #FreeBritney https://t.co/O5QU2uo1UH pic.twitter.com/WTgGKwe6XF
— Lizzie Rovsek (@LizzieRovsek) February 8, 2021
Y’all..it’s plaguing me that nobody knows if @britneyspears is truly okay. Really hoping that if she isn’t she can formally vocalize it in some way and that she knows all of us on the outside really give a shit about her well-being. ?
— K A C E Y (@KaceyMusgraves) February 8, 2021
I watched “Framing Britney” this weekend and walked away completely disturbed by the financial misogyny that Britney Spears has endured throughout her career. And truth be told, I’m even more appalled that it took me this long to realize it. https://t.co/MO9qdnczrh
— Jennifer Hyman (@Jenn_RTR) February 8, 2021
Britney Spears was competent enough to serve as a judge on a network TV show and perform all these dates in a major Las Vegas residency, but we’re being told she’s not competent enough to have the power to make simple decisions in her life.
Doesn’t add up! #FreeBritney pic.twitter.com/BSisgeV17J
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) February 9, 2021
— samsmith (@samsmith) February 7, 2021